$ rvm gem use 1.9.2いざ、実行してみると
$ rvm gemset use rails3
$ gem install mongo
Fetching: bson-1.5.2.gem (100%)
Fetching: mongo-1.5.2.gem (100%)
Successfully installed bson-1.5.2
Successfully installed mongo-1.5.2
2 gems installed
Installing ri documentation for bson-1.5.2...
Installing ri documentation for mongo-1.5.2...
Installing RDoc documentation for bson-1.5.2...
Installing RDoc documentation for mongo-1.5.2...
$ gem list --local
bson (1.5.2)
mongo (1.5.2)
require 'mongo'こんなエラー…。 gemが足りないようです。
db = Mongo::Connection.new.db("test")
$ ruby mongo_test.rb
**Notice: C extension not loaded. This is required for optimum MongoDB Ruby driver performance.
You can install the extension as follows:
gem install bson_ext
If you continue to receive this message after installing, make sure that the
bson_ext gem is in your load path and that the bson_ext and mongo gems are of the same version.
$ gem install bson_ext
Fetching: bson_ext-1.5.2.gem (100%)
Building native extensions. This could take a while...
Successfully installed bson_ext-1.5.2
1 gem installed
Installing ri documentation for bson_ext-1.5.2...
Installing RDoc documentation for bson_ext-1.5.2...
$ gem list --local
bson (1.5.2)
bson_ext (1.5.2)
mongo (1.5.2)
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